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Announcing the Beta Launch of CLIC Recommender


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Beta version of CLIC Recommender! With the vast number of CLIC pages available, we understand that navigating the CLIC website to find relevant legal knowledge can be challenging, especially for users without a legal background. Often, users are unaware of the legal issues involved in their situations, making it even more difficult to locate the right information.


To address these concerns, we have developed the CLIC Recommender (CRec) – an AI-powered recommendation system designed to assist users in efficiently finding the legal information they need. CRec analyses users’ input, whether it be a legal scenario or a legal question, and provides recommendations of the corresponding CLIC pages based on the input description. By leveraging this tool, users can easily access relevant legal information through the recommended pages.


In order to truly assess the effectiveness of CRec, we cordially invite you to experiment with this new tool and evaluate its performance. We encourage you to assess the relevance and comprehensiveness of the recommendations provided in response to your legal inquiries by using the tool’s internal feedback widget.


Your feedback and evaluation will play a crucial role in refining the tool, ensuring that it becomes a helpful resource for all users seeking legal information. We appreciate your participation and look forward to receiving your valuable insights.


To access the Beta version of CRec, please visit:


You can provide us with feedback using the feedback form.


Should you encounter any issues or wish to provide us with more in-depth feedback, please feel free to reach us at


Thank you for your continued support as we strive to enhance the general public’s experience and access to legal knowledge!