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1. A dog-owner entered into a tenancy agreement with a landlord on a property with its DMC prohibiting property owners and tenants from keeping pets. What actions can be taken from the Incorporated Owners of the property or the management company to him and his landlord if he insists on keeping the dog with him?

The Incorporated Owners and the management company are under a duty to enforce the DMC in the proper management of the building.  Enforcement actions that may be taken against the tenant and the landlord include issuing warning letter and, if ineffective, instituting court action for an injunction and for monetary damages (if any).


If the landlord is aware of any breach of the DMC by the tenant but has chosen to remain inaction, the landlord may also be found liable for allowing or permitting such breach.


The tenant and the landlord would likely be held responsible also for the legal costs incurred for taking enforcement action against them.

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