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10. Entering or remaining in precincts of Chamber of the Legislative Council (Section 20 Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance)

Any person who enters or attempts to enter the Legislative Council Chamber or its precincts in contravention of any of the Rules of Procedure, any resolution of the Council, or any Administrative Instructions issued by the President of the Legislative Council is liable to a fine of $2,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.


The offence of entering or remaining in the precincts of the Legislative Council Chamber does not apply to members of the Legislative Council, anyone acting within the precincts of the Chamber under the orders of the Legislative Council President, and police officers on duty within the precincts of the Chamber.


“Chamber” of the Legislative Council includes the chamber where Legislative Council proceedings are being conducted, any galleries and places provided for the public and the media, and any lobbies, offices or precincts used exclusively in connection with the proceedings of the Legislative Council.


“Precincts of the Chamber” covers the entire building in which the Chamber is situated and any forecourt, yard, garden, enclosure, or open space adjoining or appertaining to that building and provided for the Legislative Council to use. This extended area is only applicable for the whole of any day the Legislative Council or its committee is sitting.


The President of the Legislative Council may regulate the admittance and conduct of the public (other than members or officers of the members of the Legislative Council) by way issuing administrative instructions. Contravening these Administrative Instructions would amount to an offence under section 20 of the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap. 382).


Offences in contravention of Administrative Instructions for Regulating Admittance and Conduct of Persons (Cap. 382A) include failing to behave in an orderly manner when entering or within the precincts of the Chamber, failing to comply with any direction given by any officer of the Council for the purposes of keeping order, and displaying any sign, message or banner, including on any item of clothing, in the press or public gallery.


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