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E. Free Legal Advice Scheme run by the Duty Lawyer Service

The Free Legal Advice Scheme provides free preliminary legal advice to members of the public regarding their legal position in genuine cases. The objective of the Scheme is to enable members of the public having genuine legal problems to have preliminary advice regarding their legal position. The Scheme will not offer legal representation to the clients. There is no means test (assessment of your financial status) and the service is absolutely free of charge.


All the lawyers giving advice to members of the public through the Free Legal Advice Scheme are qualified solicitors or barristers who join the Scheme on a volunteer basis. In general, the volunteer lawyer on duty will give one-off oral legal advice to help the client understand the nature of his problem, his rights and obligations under the law, and the channels available for resolution. The advice session usually lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes. Advice given is of a general and preliminary nature. The volunteer lawyer cannot be expected to embark on a full analysis of the merits of a complicated case or to provide in-depth advice.


For more details about the Free Legal Advice Scheme, please visit the Duty Lawyer Service's webpage or telephone 2526 5969. 


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