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V. Race Discrimination

Under the Race Discrimination Ordinance ("RDO"), it is unlawful to discriminate, harass and vilify a person on the ground of his/her race. With the RDO in place, people of different races can live and work as one community. The RDO offers protection in several areas including the following:


  • employment;
  • education;
  • provision of goods, facilities or services;
  • disposal or management of premises;
  • eligibility to vote for and to stand for election to public bodies, etc;
  • offering of a pupillage or tenancy in a barrister's chambers;
  • participation in clubs.

The RDO provides the following exceptions under which the decisions made because of, or having an impact on, race would not be unlawful:


  • genuine occupational qualification (RDO section 11);
  • employment intended to provide training for skills to be used outside Hong Kong (RDO section 12);
  • employment of persons with special skills, knowledge or experience (RDO section 13);
  • existing local and overseas employment terms (RDO section 14);
  • cemetery, crematorium or columbarium;
  • special measures

If you are being discriminated against because of your race, the above section will tell you more about your rights.


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