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1. I made an Enduring Power of Attorney a few years ago, appointing my eldest son to be the attorney. However, recently I noted that he was indulging in gambling and I don’t trust him anymore. I now want to appoint my youngest daughter to be the attorney. What should I do?

First of all, you have to revoke your existing Enduring Power of Attorney.  If you have the Enduing Power of Attorney with you, the most straight-forward method of revocation is simply to tear it into pieces.  If you do not have the Enduring Power of Attorney with you (for example you may have already given it to your eldest son), you should get some legal assistance by asking a solicitor to prepare a formal written revocation to revoke your existing Enduring Power of Attorney. Then you will be able to proceed to execute a fresh Enduring Power of Attorney appointing your youngest daughter as the attorney.